Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dum dilly Dum. Christmas

I'm here, taking refuge in my lovely apartment in Cyberjaya that I share with another 6 lovely ladies since the internet at home is being very very mean. Also, at the same time, I'm trying to look all cute in my new outfit for no one while cramming those studying I should have done the past week!

Oh dear me.

So here's how the current outfit looks like.

So yeah, that was taken late last night upon reaching home (Someone had to model this clothes the moment it got home! muahahahaha!)

I've always been sceptical about this whole layering crop tops and tanks business that has emerged as a trend this past year. So, of course, everyone loves last season's sale! And the whole benefit of living in the tropics is that while everyone else is covering up and spending loads on the current season's clothes, we here are enjoying their sleeveless, thin fabric-ed frocks from spring! Wheee~

I should probably tell you about my whole TMnet Customer Service call.

Everyone calls Customer Service preparing beforehand their BF (Bitch-Fit) speech. Or as least I do.

me: "So, I've done all of these trouble shooting things to my modem and it still doesn't work!"
him: " Have you tried turning it off and on?"
me: ( you have got to be kidding me!!) "yes."
him: " Have you tried a direct connection from your modem to the computer?"
him: " Okay, you will just have to wait for a technician to be over."
me: "wait, what? RIGHT NOW?!"

It just seemed pretty impressive at that point that a technician could be over at 11.15 pm on Xmas Day.

No, it will take him 2 working days.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

There she goes again...

Well there I go again, not updating for a really really long time. I even possibly forgot about this blog for a while. What can I say, I do have a lot of things on my mind yea?

Alright, so in my absence I grew a year older and had a baby. Yes, the apple of my eye kind. The one you think about at the end of everyday. No, not the one that takes 9 months to bake. Hahaha!

The kind where I had to heavy heartedly take away from his mommah and drive about 1 hour to actually find the farm.

May I present... FABIO!

I'm sure you all can excuse me for putting a little bow on his head. After all real men wear pink ribbons. :) He's an Abyssinian Guinea Pig, only he's not as pretty as the show guinea pig but he makes it up in cuteness. He's still very jumpy after a week at home but he's eating and pooping a lot. My camera has bee OOA this past week due to my procrastination in charging it. Cameras should just CHARGE itself.

Oh, right now I'm also thinking of several ways of generating income. (Since, you know being a mom and all is hard work and it needs a lot of monies)

Of course, as usual, I was either thinking of starting back my baking business only to expand further than just cupcakes. I'm thinking Brownies and Sugar Cookies. In fact, a little tiny bear is baking in the oven right now! Mmmyummmm!

More tales to come!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First Roll with Golden Half

The printers couldn't print that whole "two pictures into one 4r Size" things that were part of the fun when dealing with a half format camera, but i felt that these pictures were too beautiful to miss out on. The shop did offer to help me look for a printer which can do it =) hope it works out :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Learn to Lose

I've been in love with this band (and the lead singer whom I don't have a clue what his name is) for the longest time ever.
When I have a tough day, I turn my ipod on and watch this over and over again.
And smile myself to sleep silly (:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tres, Dos, Uno!

Heyhey worldwideweb! (No one calls it that these days)

So what can I write in my very first blog post on BabbleClouds? It's most definitely not my first blog and it will probably not be my last either. It's sort of an idea that has been rolling around my mind since last year. I was using Livejournal too much and had set it to "Friends Only" because in this day and age, parents love to google your name. And besides, Facebook has replaced the use of blogs and now people just keep in touch by Facebook, or even, Twitter. So anyway, this blog is public. Feel free to pass/throw/shoot it around. Nothing interesting is up yet but I'm determined to put up really interesting things once I finished reading modules.

Maybe I should include a short boring introduction about me.

I go by Naz and I'm turning 20 end of the year. I would like to think that my life is pretty simple, but in actual fact it's far from simple. It's one of the most complicated lives you would probably hear of, but it's my life and I'm living it. People have told me that I am the most "Optimistic-People-I-Have-Ever-Met" but if you dig a little deeper, there's a really fine line between extreme Optimism and extreme Pessimism. Go Figure.

I'm not studying anything cool or funky like photography, fashion design or even architecture. Nothing like most bloggers are studying/working as. Yet, I do have a creative flair to things and love to think out of the box. How I wish I was a Youtube Makeup Guru or Beauty Guru like the likes of Pursebuzz, Lauren Luke and Enkore. (Michelle Pan annoys me just a little, I mean I like her but she can be tiny bit annoying)

As I was brainstorming for ideas to angle this blog to. I really am stumped for ideas because generally, I love doing almost EVERYTHING. I love Rock Music, Soul, Reggaeton, Hip Hop, Pop, Electronica and basically, anything that sounds good. Although, on some days I really cannot stand SOAD. I'm sorry :( I also like to sew, knit, bake, cook, play the guitar, try to play the piano, try to graphic design and etc etc etc.

Hablo un poco español! Solo un poco :) I started learning spanish two years ago but stopped a year ago to make way for my major studying. I do miss speaking it and I feel that it's deteriorating faster than the US economy. Maybe one of the things I will achieve in this blog life is to be able to post a full entry with good perfect español :)

That's why, as I was really trying to categorise my blog, I just couldn't. I'd me keeping out a lot of myself which is a really huge network of mixed interests and hobbies. So, thus, I'm the Girl with Too Many Hobbies.

Maybe as this blog progresses, my dear, few readers out there will get to know me more and more, and watch me slowly unfold who I am.

Keep reading! Lots of love,
